MILL CREEK Grading Scale
For each assessment that is recorded in the grade book, students will be given a score between zero and 100. Mill Creek's grading system uses 100% summative assessments. Formative checks throughout a unit will be used to guide instruction and help identify areas students have mastered and need additional support on. . Students will be evaluated on their achievement relative to proficiency/mastery in a certain standard.
Unit and Course/Grade Level Understanding and Performance -- a.k.a. “the bigger stuff”
Major Assessments of Learning: 100% OF FINAL GRADE
Unit (chapter) assessments
Unit or major performance tasks – mainly products, performances, and projects (e.g., essays; artwork; visual representations; models; multimedia; oral presentations; lab experiences; live or recorded performances) or other forms of authentic assessments to demonstrate mastery.
District (Course/Grade Level Assessments)
Lesson Practice and Activities -- a.k.a. “the smaller stuff”
Assessment for Learning: Used to Guide Instruction
Independent practice on daily work (daily assignments and classroom work)
Brief progress checks (e.g., small quizzes over one or more lessons; reviews or warm-ups)
Standards Grading Scale
100-92.5 = A
92.4-89.5 = A-
89.4-86.5 = B+
86.4-82.5 = B
82.4-79.5 = B-
79.4-76.5 = C+
76.4-72.5 = C
72.4-69.5 = C-
69.4-67.5 = D+
67.4-62.5 = D
62.5-59.5 = D-