Course Descriptions and Scheduling
Scheduling Essentials
Mill Creek scheduling for the the following school year typically happens in March. Deadlines are posted here as soon as they are determined.
PARENT/GUARDIAN SCHEDULING INPUT LINK - this form is updated each year when scheduling opens
Helpful links:
- Mill Creek Learning Environments
- Course Registration Instructions
- PowerSchool Single Sign On - Parent Guide
- Seventh Grade Elective Offerings
- Eighth Grade Elective Offerings
- Elective Recommendation Form
- Mill Creek Elective Course Descriptions – Students and parents/guardians should look online at electives ahead of time.
- Scheduling FAQ's
- Mill Creek Special Education Information - Parent Resource
Scheduling Details
Read Course Descriptions and fill in sheet
Do not list same courses for alternates as first choices
Log in to PowerSchool and choose courses
Hit Submit and make sure you get a confirmation sheet
Site goes live (date TBD - March).
Due TBD - March.
- Where can I get my PowerSchool login and password? Contact the main office at Creekside (6th Grade) or main office at Mill Creek (7th grade.)
- Do I have to have a recommendation form even for courses I'm listing as alternates? Yes. If the computer plugs in one of the alternate selections, we will check to see that the student has a recommendation to be in the class.
- Where do I turn in the teacher recommendation form? Turn it in to the classroom teachers. They will get it delivered to Mill Creek.
- Are you more likely to get the electives you want if you schedule sooner? No. As long as you submit your electives before the end of the scheduling window (March 19) it doesn't matter when you do it.
- Can a student sign up for first semester only of choir and add the second semester later if they like it? For this class only if students sign up for Mill Creek Singers 1st semester and then decide they'd like to continue, we will allow them to go into 2nd semester choir. HOWEVER, this is a one-way door. Students cannot sign up for the year and then decide to drop choir 2nd semester.
- What grade must a student have to get high school credit for foreign language? For each semester they need to have an 80% overall in the class or pass the semester exam with a 70% or greater.
- I can't think of ten alternates I really want. What should I do? The computer will not accept your submission without the alternates. Students do sometimes get their alternate choices, so it’s important to include ones you will be okay with.
- What if I'm taking music AND foreign language? Do I still have to pick 8 electives? No, but you should still pick ten alternates in case you don't get the foreign language.
- We did our schedule but I wanted to verify that it all went through ok. The best way to check this would be to log in to power school, click on the class registration button, then go to the blue "View Course Requests" link at the top of the page right above the list of required classes. If they aren’t there, you weren’t successful.
- I forgot to print my confirmation page. What should I do? Log in to PowerSchool and go to the scheduling page. At the top of the page in small blue print is a link that says "View Future Course Requests." Clicking that link will give you a page that looks like this. Verify that the courses you selected are there and print that page as your confirmation.
- Why doesn't our confirmation sheet show a math class? All 6th grade (future 7th grade) confirmation sheets should show a math class. 7th graders (future 8th graders) will have their math class assigned at a later date based on placement results.
- What if I changed my mind and want to make some changes in my schedule after I submitted it? As long as it's before the deadline, you can log back in, make whatever changes you want, and resubmit. Changes cannot be made after the registration window is closed.
Core Subjects
7th Grade Core
7th Grade Core Curriculum
Seventh Grade English
The English curriculum is designed to assist students in exploring their worlds and expressing themselves through reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and responding. The focus will be placed on developing students' skills in each of these areas, and lessons will cover topics such as comprehension strategies, grammatical conventions, and specific text structures. Students will also be expected to interact personally with the ideas that are explored through these mediums. Michigan Common Core ELA Standards
Seventh Grade Social Studies
The Seventh Grade Social Studies curriculum explores Medieval History and Geography, focusing on The Silk Road and Globalization, Mali and Cultural Exchange, Mesoamerica, and the Environment. Students will use a variety of media to access information from both primary and secondary sources. Critical thinking will be stressed as students analyze the acquired data, draw conclusions and make connections to the present day. Hands-on mapping labs are included in the curriculum to help students understand the significance of geography in the study of history. Michigan’s Seventh Grade Grade Level Social Studies Content Expectations.
Seventh Grade Science
In seventh grade, students participate in a variety of projects, investigations, and experiences to apply the following scientific and engineering practices: constructing an evidence-based explanation, identifying patterns and relationships, interpreting data/information to make valid claims, making connections and inferences, modeling, selection of evidence, explanation of evidence, asking questions, predicting/hypothesizing, multimedia and communication, and oral presentations. Teachers incorporate best practices to ensure a classroom is filled with collaboration, creative thinking, personalization, and joy. Content focuses on plate tectonics, natural resources, matter cycling and energy flow, ecosystem relationships, structure and properties of matter, chemical reactions, earth materials and systems, and ecosystem biodiversity. Michigan's Grade Level Science Expectations.
Seventh Grade Math
Seventh Grade Math is aligned with the Michigan Common Core State Standards. The curriculum emphasizes problem-solving, critical thinking, making connections among mathematical topics and other areas, reasoning abstractly and quantitatively, making sense of problems, and persevering in solving them. Course topics include Ratios & Proportions, Rational Number & Integer Operations, Solving Equations & Inequalities, Geometry, Statistics & Probability. Michigan Common Core Math Standards
7th Grade Enrichment
7th Grade Enrichment Classes
Adolescent Health
The seventh-grade Adolescent Health course is a required 9-week enrichment course. Students work toward greater self-awareness and understanding of the physical and emotional changes taking place during adolescence. During the course, they will learn about family and peer group relationships, have a greater awareness of self-concept, develop better decision-making skills, learn about the effects of substance abuse and learn about reproductive health. If you have questions or would like to opt your child out of the reproductive health portion, please contact the teacher, Crystal Zurek, at Michigan’s Seventh Grade Health Grade Level Content Expectations.
Career Awareness & Technology
Careers and Technology is a 9-week enrichment course that combines technology education with career exploration. The first part of the course focuses on using technology for academic and classroom use. Students also begin to explore various career options based on their learning style, personality type, skills, and interests, using an online program called Xello. They begin developing their Educational Development Plan (EDP) which they will continue to build through graduation from high school. This includes their educational and career goals and a pathway to achieve these goals. Michigan’s Educational Technology Standards for Students in Grades 6-8.
Physical Education
We will provide an engaging, responsive educational environment that develops knowledgeable, caring, adaptable, lifelong learners who will use their skills learned in Physical Education to influence positively a diverse and rapidly changing world. We would like to instill self-worth that will help students to not only become successful in physical activity but in all other areas of their lives. We would like to help them develop lifelong skills that will guide them to become better people and live successful, healthy lives. Our mission is to help and challenge all children to become physically active and healthy for a lifetime while enjoying in a variety of fitness activities so that students never feel forced to do it! We wish to create an environment where students enjoy what they are learning, and, at the same time, they are understanding, building, and maintaining physical fitness, gaining sufficient motor skills to perform a variety of physical activities, and acquiring the knowledge to make wise choices about their lifestyle. Not only will we implement a physical education program that challenges the minds and bodies of the students in a positive way, but also for other teachers, administrators, parents, and the entire community to understand, support, and become physically fit and educated. We truly believe that healthy bodies lead to healthy minds. Michigan’s Seventh Grade Physical Education Grade Level Content Expectations.
World Language
Spanish, French, Mandarin Focus on Language! (Students will select their preference for a 9-week language program from one of our course offerings below) Dive into the Spanish, French, or Mandarin language and culture with this nine-week course. We will learn how to greet people, have a conversation to get to know each other and learn basic vocabulary. We will also learn about the areas in the world where the language is spoken! This class is an introduction to the Spanish, French, or Mandarin language and culture and is an opportunity for students to get a taste of the French, Spanish, and Mandarin classes offered to 8th-grade students at Mill Creek. Michigan’s World Language Standards and Benchmarks. Michigan’s World Language Michigan Merit Curriculum Credit & Experience Guidelines.
8th Grade Core
Eighth Grade Core Curriculum
Core classes are mandatory courses that meet every other day for 100 minutes. Mill Creek operates on a block schedule.
Eighth Grade English
The English curriculum is designed to assist students in exploring their worlds and expressing themselves through reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and responding. Focus will be placed on developing students' skills in each of these areas, and lessons will cover topics such as comprehension strategies, grammatical conventions, and specific text structures. Students will also be expected to interact personally with the ideas that are explored through these mediums. Michigan’s Eighth Grade ELA Grade Level Content Expectations.
Eighth Grade American History
The Eighth Grade Social Studies curriculum examines the United States History from 1754 to 1898, with a strong focus on 1775 to 1877. Students will use a variety of media to access information from both primary and secondary sources. Critical thinking will be stressed as students analyze the acquired data, draw conclusions and make connections to the present day. Teaching methods will include role-play and simulations, cooperative group work, text-related activities, creative (visual) synthesis exercises, and direct instruction. The text for the course is Prentice Hall’s The American Nation, along with TCI’s History Alive! The United States. Michigan’s Eighth Grade Grade Level Social Studies Content Expectations
Eighth Grade Science
In Eighth Grade Science, students participate in a variety of projects, investigations, and experiences to apply the following scientific and engineering practices: asking questions and defining problems; developing and using models; planning and carrying out investigations; analyzing and interpreting data; using mathematics and computational thinking; constructing explanations and designing solutions; engaging in argument from evidence; and obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. Teachers incorporate best practices to ensure a classroom filled with collaboration, creative thinking, personalization, and joy. Content focuses on Newton’s Laws of Motion, Types of Waves and Energies, Natural Selection and Organism Adaptation, Human Interactions with our Environments, and Space and the Universe. Michigan's Grade Level Science Expectations.
Details of Michigan's math content and practice standards are available at Michigan's Department of Education Website.
Algebra 1
During this course, students focus on developing standards of mathematical practice as well as content mastery. These practices include: making sense of problems and persevere in solving them; reasoning abstractly and quantitatively; constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others. Content focuses on the behavior of linear, quadratic, and exponential functions.
During this course, students focus on developing standards of mathematical practice as well as content mastery. These practices include: making sense of problems and persevere in solving them; reasoning abstractly (proofs) and quantitatively; constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others. Content focuses on transformations, congruence, trigonometry, circles, and conic sections.
8th Grade Enrichment
Eighth Grade Enrichment Classes
Mandatory nine-week courses that meet every day. Students in each grade will have four Enrichment classes throughout the year.
In Fine Art Enrichment students will learn basic techniques used to create art, and work with different types of media. Art empowers children to communicate ideas that words and numbers cannot always adequately express. Art provides opportunities to explore other cultures and times, teaching tolerance for others' heritage and belief systems while valuing the individual. Arts encourages multiple responses, respecting that the questions are often as important as the answers. In Art, there are many correct and valid responses. Art teaches flexibility in thinking, a mandate for success in a global society. Art teaches students to continue searching for meaning and understanding. You gotta have ART! National Core Art Standards.
Life Skills
The Life Skills program provides students with the opportunity to explore and discuss topics that are important to teens. The curriculum varies from dealing with relationships, social situations, internet safety, nutrition, and risk taking to basic sewing skills. The eighth grade is an important transition year for students. We work on helping them develop the skills to achieve this successfully. Michigan’s Family Consumer Science Benchmarks.
Physical Education
Our mission is to help and challenge all children to become physically active and healthy for a lifetime while enjoying in a variety of fitness activities so that students never feel forced to do it! We wish to create an environment where students enjoy what they are learning, and, at the same time, they are understanding, building, and maintaining physical fitness, gaining sufficient motor skills to perform a variety of physical activities, and acquiring the knowledge to make wise choices about their lifestyle. Not only will we implement a physical education program that challenges the minds and bodies of the students in a positive way, but also for other teachers, administrators, parents, and the entire community to understand, support, and become physically fit and educated. We truly believe that healthy bodies lead to healthy minds. Michigan’s Eighth Grade Physical Education Grade Level Content Expectations.
Technology Education
Eighth Grade Technology Education is a chance for your child to learn about technology as it relates to the seven different areas of technology: Medical, Information and Communication, Agricultural and Related Biotechnologies, Energy and Power, Transportation, Manufacturing, and Construction Technologies. We discuss the importance of technology on society, as well as give the students a hands-on opportunity to explore how technology works and impacts their daily lives. We utilize a modular system in which students work cooperatively to complete a unit using the computers. They learn about the history of their module topic, its current impacts on society, as well as learning how to use different types of computer software. Below is a list of the modules that we currently offer at Mill Creek:
Aerodynamics | Electronic Music |
Animation | Engineering & Stress |
Applied Physics | Exploratory Electronics |
Automation & Robotics | Environmental Technology |
Computer-Aided Design | Flight Simulation |
Computer Graphics | Fluid Power |
Controls & Sensors |
Beginning instruction starts in the fifth grade and classes meet twice per week in similar instrument groups. In the sixth grade, instruction is increased to three times per week. Instrumentation is increased, allowing some students to start studying more advanced instruments like the bassoon and tuba. In grades 7-12, classes meet daily, with a focus on performance activities such as Solo and Ensemble Festival, District Band Festival, and several other concerts throughout the year. Seventh and Eighth graders participate in grade-level bands at Mill Creek Middle School with a combined jazz band in the spring. Outgoing eighth graders are expected to possess the basic skills necessary to participate in the high school bands, and will participate in a marching unit and a high school audition in the spring. At DHS students participate in one of three bands based on the results of an audition each spring: Varsity Band, Concert Band, and Symphonic Band. Dexter Bands Website
For Dexter Community Schools, orchestra instruction begins in the Fall of the fifth-grade year. Students meet in small classes of similar instruments twice a week, learning fundamentals and techniques. The sixth-grade year adds an additional day of full ensemble rehearsals, plus the introduction of the string bass. Students in the Mill Cree seventh- and eighth-grade orchestra electives meet every day for full ensemble rehearsals. The middle school years also mark the beginning of symphony orchestra and festival performances. High school orchestra students can choose to join the Dexter High School Concert Orchestra or audition to become a member of the Dexter High School Chamber Orchestra. Dexter Orchestra Website
Seventh and Eighth graders join together to sing! In this course, you will prepare music for performances for school and parents including the Fall Concert, Winter Showcase, and the Broadway Review. Mill Creek Singers also participate in MSVMA Solo and Ensemble Festival and MSVMA Choral Festival. Performances are an exciting and essential part of your class grade. Your knowledge of music theory, sight-reading, and choral singing will improve and prepare you for singing in high school choir. High school choir students can choose to join Concert Choir, Descant Choir, or audition to become a member of Chamber Choir. Students who enroll in Mill Creek Singers can take it for the entire year, or the first semester only. Students who would like to take the course for a semester only please select S1. Those who would like to take choir all year long must select S1 & S2. Dexter Choirs Website