Character Education

Mill Creek utilizes a program entitled Project Wisdom to promote responsible behavior. Each month of the school year highlights a specific character trait.

September Courtesy I will demonstrate behavior that is gracious, kind and thoughtful of others by allowing others to work undisturbed and using appropriate language.
October Commitment I will demonstrate commitment by following staff directions, completing all my assignments and never giving up!
November Respect I will demonstrate respect through behavior that is considerate. I will use kind words, keep my hands to myself, and listen when others are speaking.
December Appreciation I will demonstrate appreciation by giving recognition to those who deserve it and by doing my part to keep Mill Creek looking good!
January Initiative I will demonstrate my ability to think and act without being urged by showing my best effort, using my time wisely, asking questions and getting help when I need it!
February Responsibility I will own my actions and show that I am responsible by coming to class on time, being prepared to work, and meeting due dates and deadlines.
March Self-Discipline I will demonstrate self-control and orderly behavior by thinking before I act or speak, following class rules, and speaking in an appropriate tone.
April Honesty I will demonstrate my ability to be fair, straightforward and trustworthy by not lying, cheating or stealing from others.
May Cooperation I will demonstrate behavior that is helpful and beneficial to all involved by being cooperative instead of argumentative and respecting others' rights and opinions.
June Success I will develop a personal feeling of accomplishment by setting and following realistic goals.